How to Get Google AdSense Approval: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

How to Get Google AdSense Approval

Getting Google AdSense approval is vital for website owners who want to make money from their content. AdSense allows publishers to display ads and earn money from them. But getting approved by Google isn’t easy – the company has strict quality standards that sites have to meet if they are going to carry its advertising.

In this article we’ll explain how the process works: what you need to do; things you should avoid doing; some tips which could help get your site approved more quickly. If you follow our advice there is a good chance that one day soon you’ll be able start running AdSense on your own site -and making some cash from it!

Understanding AdSense Policies and Guidelines

Before applying for AdSense, it is important to understand Google's policies and guidelines. These rules exist in order to create a positive experience for users and advertisers.

Some key areas to familiarize yourself with include:

Policy Area Key Points
Unacceptable Content
  • Adult material
  • Hate speech
  • Violence
  • Illegal activities
Invalid Click Activity
  • No artificial clicks
  • Don't ask others to click
  • Don't click on own ads
Website Requirements
  • Unique, high-quality content
  • Clean, user-friendly design
  • Easy navigation
Content Quality
  • Original and valuable content
  • Avoid duplicate or thin content
  • Regular content updates
Site Policies
  • Include About Us page
  • Provide Contact information
  • Display Privacy Policy
  • Include Terms of Service

Unacceptable Content Types

There are certain types of content that Google AdSense does not allow, such as adult material, hate speech, violence, or activities that are illegal. Make sure your website avoids these topics if you want to be accepted.

Invalid Click Activity

AdSense does not tolerate invalid click activity. This means artificially creating clicks or asking others to click on your ads (including family members!) Also, don't click on your own ads. Google is very good at spotting invalid activity – engaging in such practices can lead to account suspension.

Website Content and Design Requirements

To get approved, your site must contain unique, top-notch content that is valuable to your visitors. Stay away from inferior articles, plagiarized materials or shallow blog posts. Additionally, make sure your website boasts a clean design that is easy to use and navigate.

Preparing Your Website for AdSense Approval

Well-structured website layout with original content, clear navigation, and key policies like 'About Us' and 'Privacy Policy' visible, ready for AdSense approval.

Before applying to AdSense you need to make sure your website is up to Google’s standards and requirements: don’t risk being rejected or suffering delays because it isn’t. To do this there are certain steps you should take – they’re not particularly hard but it’s important that all of them are completed fully.

Building a Well-Structured Website

A well-structured website is important for both user experience and AdSense approval. Ensure you have clear navigation, logical categories and a clean layout that’s easy to navigate through. Use consistent colour schemes, readable fonts and a design which is visually appealing.

Creating Quality, Original Content

Google places importance on websites that offer high-quality, unique content. Concentrate your efforts on producing interesting material that provides value and information for your target audience. If you want your AdSense application to be a success, steer clear of things like duplicate content, thin content or (even worse) plagiarism! Instead, why not try to cover a range of different topics within your niche – you may find this helps attract more visitors too!

Ensuring Enough Traffic

Although there is no official minimum traffic requirement, having a minimum of 100 unique daily visitors is recommended before applying for AdSense. A good amount of traffic shows that people are visiting and engaging with those who do --something that can work in your favor when being reviewed by an approval team. Try building up your numbers naturally by using solid SEO techniques as well as cultivating a loyal audience over time.

Adding Key Site Policies

In order to adhere to AdSense guidelines, there are some key pages any site looking to be accepted into the program must have—among them: an About Us section, Contact information page (or form,) Privacy Policy details how user data is collected/used/shared/sold etc., Terms & Conditions or Terms Of Service document outlining rules for visitors’ behavior plus what they can expect from you on your website's part.

Connecting Google Analytics and Search Console

Integrating Google Analytics and Search Console with your website can offer valuable insights into user behaviour, site performance and search visibility. These tools can help you optimise your website based on data – and align it with AdSense requirements too. Moreover, having these accounts set up demonstrates to Google that you are serious about managing and improving your site.

Applying for an AdSense Account

Once your website is shipshape and meets all necessary criteria, it’s time to apply for a Google AdSense account. The process is quite simple but it’s important to follow each step carefully if you want approval!

Creating a Google Account

If you don’t have a Google account yet, create one now so that you can apply for AdSense. You could use an existing Google account or create a new one especially for AdSense – just remember: only one AdSense account per person!

Submit Your Website for Review

To submit your website for review to AdSense, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the AdSense website.
  2. Click on the "Sign up" button.
  3. Enter your website's URL and your email address (the one you use for your Google account).
  4. Choose whether you'd like to receive personalized help and performance suggestions from AdSense via email.
  5. Click "Save and continue."

Complete the Verification Process

After you've submitted your site, Google will take a closer look to make sure it meets their criteria.If it does, you'll get an email saying your account has been approved. This approval email will also have info about next steps; sometimes there is nothing more for you to do! Other times they may ask for additional information like your

  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
They may also ask you to agree to terms and conditions in order to participate in beta tests or other offers.

Associating AdSense with your Web Property

Once you receive that second message (or possibly only one message) welcoming you aboard their program officially – which can take anywhere from two days to six months, so be patient! – log back into adsense. google. com using ID pass that created during initial application process then copy paste piece code onto every single page where want ads appear=> easiest

Waiting for Approval

Google is currently reviewing your application and will determine whether your website meets AdSense eligibility criteria. This process generally takes a few days to a couple of weeks. If your site is approved, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to enable AdSense.

If it's not approved, don't worry: we'll also send info on why we couldn't approve your application so you can fix the issues – if possible. There's no need to contact us about its status unless you have other questions.

What to Do If Your Application Is Rejected

Being rejected can be disappointing: there tends be reason we were unable move forward based on information at time (but please note does not preclude participating in future).

Carefully Review the Feedback

Google will explain why they rejected you via email and/or AdSense account. Take the time to understand this well to help you determine what to do next!

Act on the feedback

To meet AdSense’s requirements, you will need to make some changes. For example, you may have to:

  • Improve your content so it’s both high quality and relevant to your visitors
  • Take off any pages that contain hate speech, violence, adult material or other unsuitable content
  • Make it easier for readers to get around your site – and to find what they’re looking for
  • Show there is a clear focus to your site (such as fashion, technology, business, health)
  • Add extra ‘policy’ pages such as an About us, Contact us, Privacy policy
  • Fix any broken links, or other technical glitches

Take as much time as you need to fully address each issue--this will increase your chances of being approved when you resubmit.

Get help from the AdSense community

For more advice or support, why not pay a visit to the AdSense forums? There's a whole community of publishers out there, and many will have been in exactly the same situation as you. Connecting with people who understand what you're going through can be both reassuring and enlightening. The forums can also help you to see things from AdSense's point of view –- after all, who better to tell you what they want than folk who've already jumped through the same hoops?

Reapplying After Making Improvements

A determined person reviewing their website on a laptop, surrounded by a checklist and tools, symbolizing the journey of reapplying for Google AdSense after making improvements.

If you have completed all necessary changes and are sure your website complies with AdSense policies, submit your application again. There is no waiting period to reapply, but make sure you have fully addressed any issues that were brought to your attention.

Remember: Don't give up! Many websites are initially rejected but are later approved once the necessary improvements have been made. Keep working towards creating a high-quality site that provides a good experience for your users while also following AdSense's rules - this way you'll be able to start making money from ads by Google before long!

Tips for Maintaining AdSense Compliance

Being accepted into Google AdSense program is big achievement – but it's only half the battle! To avoid having your account suspended or even worse terminated because of policy violations there are number important points bear in mind after sign-up:

Regularly Monitor Your Website Content

Make sure you follow AdSense policies by reviewing your site's content frequently. Take down anything that goes against their rules – for example, violence, hate speech or adult material. You should also keep refreshing the text, images and videos on your site so people find it interesting!

Keep Ad Placements Compliant

Stick to AdSense's policies about where you can put ads so that users have a good experience. Don't annoy them by putting ads in places where they disrupt their reading or viewing – for example, pop-ups right after someone clicks onto your site from social media. Also, think about how many different sponsored links there are altogether: too many might be confusing or off-putting for visitors. It’s worth checking every now and then to make sure everything's still OK according to these guidelines.

Avoid Invalid Click Activity

Whatever you do, don’t do anything that artificially increases clicks. This includes using robots, paying people to click on your website or asking for clicks as part of a promotion. This is called “invalid click activity” and it’s against the rules – invalid click activity and can lead to account suspension.

Instead, concentrate on building lots of good content and attracting real visitors to your site: they’re the ones who might see an advertisement they like and click on it because they want to find out more.

Address Policy Violations Promptly

If AdSense sends you a notification about something you've published that breaks its policies, don't ignore it. Take action straight away. Read the notice carefully so you understand what's wrong, then make changes to your site. This might feel like a hassle, but fixing problems shows that you care about your website and the quality of traffic coming to it.

Stay Updated with AdSense Policies

Ensure you remain up to date with AdSense policies, which can evolve over time. Check the AdSense Help Center and blog regularly for guidance – and be prepared to make changes to your website and actions in order to stay within the rules.

By following this advice; keeping an eye on your compliance levels at all times – you stand every chance of enjoying an ongoing relationship with Google AdSense that is both profitable and problem-free!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to get approved for Google AdSense?

Although every application is different, it usually takes anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Google considers factors like application volume, website quality, and policy compliance when prioritizing reviews.

Can I apply for AdSense with a new website?

Yes, you can apply for AdSense with a new website. However, ensure your site has sufficient high-quality content and meets all AdSense requirements before applying. We generally recommend having at least 30-50 well-written posts.

Is there a minimum traffic requirement for AdSense approval?

While there's no official minimum traffic requirement, aim for at least 100 unique daily visitors to demonstrate site activity and engagement. However, content quality and user experience are more crucial factors in the approval process.

Can I reapply for AdSense if my application is rejected?

Yes, you can reapply after addressing the issues that caused the initial rejection. Carefully review Google's feedback, make necessary improvements, and ensure your site meets all AdSense requirements before reapplying.

How much can I earn with Google AdSense?

AdSense earnings vary widely based on factors like website traffic, niche, ad placement, and user engagement. Some publishers earn a few dollars monthly, while others generate substantial income.

Can I use AdSense with other ad networks?

Yes, you can use AdSense with other ad networks that comply with AdSense policies. Ensure ads from other networks don't interfere with AdSense ads or harm user experience. Review terms and conditions of any additional networks you consider using.


Receiving an AdSense approval is a milestone for website owners looking to monetise their content: understand AdSense policies, prep your site, apply for an account and (importantly!) stick to the rules. This way you’ll boost your chances of success and create a nice little earner.

Recap of Important Steps

To sum it up, the key steps for getting Google AdSense approval are:

  1. Understand AdSense policies and guidelines
  2. Create a website with original, high-quality content
  3. Have enough organic traffic—and incorporate necessary site policies
  4. Connect Google Analytics and Search Console
  5. Apply for an AdSense account—verify it
  6. If rejected, learn from feedback and make changes
  7. Keep abreast of policy updates—regularly check site’s compliance

Focus on Long-Term Success

Getting AdSense approval is only the first step in making money from your site. To get a lot of money over a long time, you need to make valuable content regularly, look after your user experience and stick to the rules.

Concentrate too on giving people visiting your site a great overall experience; if you do this and build up a faithful audience at the same time there – then you stand a better chance of both attracting organic (natural) search traffic throughout the months/years ahead and being able to earn more cash from advertisers keen to reach that community specifically.

Final Thoughts

Using Google AdSense to make money from your website can be a rewarding experience that allows you to take something you are passionate about and turn it into a profitable venture. If you follow the advice provided in this article and remain committed to producing high-quality content, there is no reason why you should not go on to achieve AdSense approval and begin generating income.

Don't forget: getting AdSense approval takes patience, persistence, and a readiness to adapt. Take lessons from any hurdles you face, and work continuously to offer your site visitors the best experience possible.

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