12 Tips How to Write SEO Content in Blogger - SEO Writing Guide

12 Tips How to Write SEO Content in Blogger

Organic search is one of the main ways to get visitors to your blog. If you don't know How to Write SEO Content in Blogger, you lose an opportunity to get organic traffic.

Blogging is an inbound marketing strategy that can bring you targeted visitors. According to HubSpot, marketers who blog regularly are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive ROI.

It's not enough to start blogs and publish quality content to rank on Google. Regular practice is needed to help you reach the audience, build a personal brand, and rank in search results.

In this guide, I will introduce you to How to Write SEO Content in Blogger that I use when writing blog posts that are readable and customized for SEO.

You can apply my SEO Writing Blogger Tips to all types of posts of different lengths although, longer posts over 1000 words rank better, it takes more time to create them.

How to Write SEO Content in Blogger That Rank on Google

Plan your post well before you start writing. What do your readers want to read? Which question do you want to answer, what problem to solve? What is the purpose of fasting? What do readers want? Write down the answers to these questions.

My blogging philosophy and priority number 1 always offer quality content. A strategy that I have been following consistently.

Each post should have a clear structure in parts. Creating a structured post makes it easier for you to write. For example, divide a post into three parts and write down what you will write about in those parts: 

  • introduction - where you briefly present the topic you will write about
  • post body - where you write about the main topic
  • conclusion - as a summary, with the most important guidelines, advice 

Optimize Blog Posts for Keywords

It's important to know which keyword or phrase your post will target. Keyword research is essential because you find out what your target audience is looking for and what their intentions are (information, shopping, etc.).

Keywords are phrases that people type into a search engine when searching for information on specific topics. By researching keywords, you are looking at them from the user's point of view. That way you find the words that are most relevant to your post.

For your blog posts to provide value, they must be relevant, practical, and helpful for the reader. According to a report by the Social Media Examiner, more than half of marketers agree that the most important type of content is valuable and unique content.

A great way to find keywords is with keyword tools, such as Google Keyword Planner. Enter the main keyword in the Keyword Planner and click Get ideas.

It will show you the number of monthly searches for your word, competition, and related keyword suggestions.

Try not to generalize your word, but narrow it down and do it specifically. If you want your post to be ranked for a specific topic, you must find long keywords.

Focus on one or two long-tail keywords in every blog post. You can, of course, use more, but with two, you will facilitate optimization and spend less time.

You may be wondering why long-tail keywords? Long-tail keywords are focused on the specific needs of the audience.

Visitors to the site who search for terms based on the word long tail are more likely to read your post in its entirety and request additional information. In short: they are most often your target visitors.

For example, if you use a keyword such as an internet marketing, you will see that it gives over 2.8 billion results! You will never know what a user is looking for when it comes to such a competitive phrase. You can never rank for a word like this.

The logic you follow is to focus on more specific keywords. For example, suppose someone seeks an agency for internet marketing in Niche, which wants to pay for advertising.

Here people can enter keywords such as Internet Agency marketing which has 430 million results. You can be even more specific to narrow your search, but be careful not to choose keywords that you can't compete with. That will not bring you, visitors. 

When writing a post, it should have one main keyword. You can also include additional keywords that better describe the main one.

Let's say you write a post about arranging business, workspace, more precisely about the office.

Your main keyword, in this case, would be "office design". Additional keywords or phrases could be used like this:

"Ideas for office design"

"Modern office design"

"Office design in 15 days"

Another good strategy is to make a list of keywords relevant to the topic you are writing about, for which you want to position yourself on Google. Then check how they rank in search results.


Once you find the right keywords, it’s time to use them in your title. The process of writing SEO begins with optimizing the title, URL, meta description, heading, subheading, and content. 


Optimize the Title of your Blog Post


In addition to great content, the title must be great to attract the attention of readers, to click on it. The title of your content should be SEO optimized, match the topic and tell search engines what your content is about.

Based on the keyword 'office design', examples of attractive titles that visitors should click on are:

"17 expert councils for office design".

"9 modern trends for office design".

"What mistakes can you make in the office design"?

To create a title, as you can see in the examples, you can use: questions, mistakes, secrets, how-to, expert advice. The title should contain a keyword to which you can add adverbs and adjectives to interest visitors.

The success of an entire blog post depends a lot on the title, as only 20% of readers read the text to the end.

Important rules when creating a title:

  • the title should not exceed 60 characters
  • use the keyword only once

I have already written in my Copywriting article effective formula for creating attractive and engaging AIDA titles.

AIDA IS an abbreviation of the word:

  • A - attention
  • I - interest
  • D - desire
  • A - action

It's a process that will get the visitor's attention, stimulate interest in continuing to read, increase his desire and eventually call him to action.

Attracting attention is the first step in building relationships with potential clients, and it starts with the title. Offer a solution to a problem that people are searching for on Google.

75% of purchasing decisions are made when readers come in contact with the title.  

Research has shown that titles that contain numbers increase engaging readers by 36%. Titles with odd numbers get 22% more clicks. 

Interest is another word in the AIDA formula. Readers' interest in your content you encourage when you better explain what you promised in the title. Use subtitles for this purpose. That way, the reader will see what to expect from your content.

Call to Action - This means asking the reader to take some action steps within the content of the blog post: subscribe to the email list, comment, share a post, and like. 

Optimize your blog post URL

The URL of your blog post is automatically created after you fill in the title field.

Automatically creating a URL is not always ideal because the title can be very long, so I recommend customizing your URL yourself.

  • For example, if your title: 9 modern trends in design
  • The URLs of the offices will be: 9-modern-trends-for-design-offices

Most URLs should be shorter. URL must be up to 80 characters long and have the main keyword.

Don't create URLs for search engines. The URL should show the audience what your blog post is about.

Here are some tips for creating a URL:

use dashes instead of underscores
do not use uppercase, only lowercase letters
Avoid using dates when creating URLs

How to optimize the meta description of blog posts

A meta description is an additional text that appears in search results just below the post title. The meta describes in more detail what is on a particular website.

The meta description provides information to people who search and helps them decide whether to click and go to your content or not.

When writing a meta description, say what readers will find in the article. Use a keyword or phrase. If people conclude from the meta description that this is what search, they will click to read the article.

With more clicks like this, Google gets a signal that your post is relevant and ranks you better in search results.

The meta description should contain a maximum of 150 characters. The best length would be between 110 and 150 characters.

Add keywords to subtitles (H2, H3) to Write SEO Content in Blogger

Blogger Heading Tags
Blogger Heading Tags

To make the post easier to read, use Headings because they separate content, give an overview and encourage reading. In addition, they make it possible for search engine spiders to make it easier to index your page.

It is easier to follow and read the content that appears in parts. Using keywords and phrases in subtitles give signals to search engines.

H2 (Heading) and H3 (Subheading) tags are good places for keywords only if they fit and make sense. The main title of your article is marked H1. 

Try to optimize your blog post with at least one H2 (Heading) containing the keyword. 

How to optimize images for blog posts

Picture posts are more appealing.

Two important things when optimizing images are:

Add an image title and alt text related to the content of the post.

To add Alt text and an image title to Blogger, click on the image you want to edit, click on the circle on the right and fill in the Alt text field and the Title field.

You can optionally add a title to be displayed below the image (field Caption) when relevant. 

One of the more essential things is optimizing and compressing the image file size. There are many free tools for this purpose to help you optimize your images and prevent them from slowing down your blog.

My recommendation is to use webP image format.

You can convert JPG format to webP at Squoosh.

For your blogger to use the webP image format, you need to add -rw at the end of the image link.


Switch to HTML view 


How to Write SEO Content optimize webp images

Click Format HTML

How to Write SEO Content optimize webp images 2

Add -rw at the end of your image link

How to Write SEO Content optimize webp images 3

My recommendation is to consider using the webP format on your website in the future because, in addition to a better user experience for visitors, your site will also load faster.

Include internal and external links in the blog post

To add more value to your readers, add to your blog post links to other relevant posts on your blog.

Readers will stay longer, and with that, the number of visits increases - which are two additional factors that search engines use to evaluate the authority and relevance of your blog.

Internal links give internal signals to search engines about the value of your post and the best resources on the blog. Linking one blog fasting with the other shows that both fasts are important.

When it comes to external links, referring to sites the authority in your industry is the best SEO practice. In this way, build natural backlinks with other sites.

Make sure you have at least 2 to 3 internal links. Find out more about this topic in my article “What are internal and external links, and why are they important ?.

To refer to other content, you can use one of the relevant keywords or a phrase instead of one word.

There are many ways to build external links that will depend on your blog. One of the most effective strategies is to post to other blogs as a guest blogger.

Optimize your blog post text

For your posts to deliver value, you need to offer your readers something relevant and practical. This means that you will not only answer their questions, but you will motivate them to apply what they read.

When writing a new post, focus on the reader. The primary focus should be on what your audience needs. Not on how many times you add a keyword to the content. 

The blog post should be easy to read and well organized. Use short paragraphs, enumerations, lists of numbers, quotes, and bold text to highlight or emphasize something especially important.

How to Write SEO Content

  • use a keyword or phrase at least once in the title of the post
  • use a keyword if possible in the first paragraph
  • The keywords must be found in the post

Note: Don't overdo it with keywords because of the risk of being penalized.


Is blog post length important for SEO?

Your blog posts must have a minimum length of 300-500 words. Google likes longer articles and more detailed content, so such articles are ranked best.

The length of the blog post will depend on how you handle the topic and what your writing style is. Someone will tell a story in 500 words, while someone needs 4000 words.

For example, I publish long, more detailed articles and not so often as someone who writes shorter articles. The length of the blog post should suit you first, then your readers and the topic you are dealing with.


Some topics are shorter, and some have longer content. For example, if you write about the steps "How to make a free blog" that blog post will certainly not be short.

If you prefer to write shorter posts, you decide on ideas that support shorter content. 


Google Analytics can also help you find out which posts are the most read and whether your readers like shorter or longer posts.

Many experts think that when you create quality blog posts of up to 2000 words, you improve your ranking in Google search.

My advice is not to force yourself to write long content if your readers love short posts. If you care about SEO for long and Short blog posts, the content to be ranked is the one that is good quality and with good backlinks. 


Some of the tips regarding goals are:

  • If you want more comments on a blog post, it should be a long eye 275 words
  • if you care about sharing on social networks, write a post between 600 and 1500 words
  • when you want your post to be ranked on Google, there should be about 2500 words. 


Optimize your blog for mobile devices

Google has included the mobile version of the blog and site in the ranking factors. Today, more and more people are browsing the internet using their mobile phones compared to desktop computers.

It is not enough to have a blog, but all the content on the blog, including text, images, presentations, videos, should also be optimized for mobile devices. Short paragraphs in blog posts are great for people who read via mobile phones.


Suffice it to mention the statistics that mobile sites increase user engagement by 85%.


To make your blog more mobile, use a responsive design.


Consistently Publish Content

If you write blog posts regularly, it tells Google that it is your blog active. Google values ​​fresh content, and that positively affects the ranking.

The more often you update your content, the more Google bots visit it. Of course, you will not write posts just for the sake of publishing. Content should meet the needs of your audience and be informative.

Here are the statistics that support blogging on the rise:

  • Blog sites have 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links.
  • Before making a purchase, 50% of customers visit between three and five blogs.



Optimizing blog posts for SEO is not difficult, but it requires a little work as well commitment in the long run. 12 Tips How to Write SEO Content in Blogger that I described in this post will help you increase your chances of ranking in organic search.

Don't just worry about ranking on Google, but when writing blog posts, concentrate on your readers and long-tail keywords. If your posts provide a good user experience, Google will reward you.

A marathon game called internet marketing looks for frequency in publishing content. Without stopping.

I can also confirm that the time and energy investment pays off. All that the work, step by step, is progressing. You build trust, your audience grows, and your conversions grow.

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